Celebration National Day

General Overview An opportunity to enhance national identity and deepen the bonds between citizens and residents. Through various activities, everyone can participate in celebrating the spirit of the UAE and its rich history. March in Love for the Homeland   www.commandosadventures.com Dream Believe Achieve IT 🇦🇪  


Masfut is located 110 kilometers southeast of Ajman, and is famous for its temperate climate and fertile soil suitable for agriculture, as well as its picturesque nature. The region is characterized by its high mountains, such as Mount Dafatah, Mount Lechen and the White Mountain, along with its spacious religions with distinctive landscapes, such as […]

الجبل الأبيض

تقع مدينة مصفوت على بعد 110 كيلومترات جنوب شرق مدينة عجمان، وتشتهر بمناخها المعتدل وتربتها الخصبة المناسبة للزراعة، فضلاً عن طبيعتها الخلابة. تمتاز المنطقة بجبالها الشاهقة، مثل جبل دفتاء وجبل ليشن والجبل الأبيض، الى جانب وديانها الفسيحة ذات المناظر الطبيعية المميزة، مثل وادي غلفا ووادي الصوامر ووادي مصفوت، مما يجعلها واحدةً من الوجهات المفضلة للسياح […]

Fun for kids

OVERVIEW The UAE Pygmy Zoo is the first of its kind attraction in Ajman. Although some parts of the zoo are still under construction, the venue is open for visitors. It’s a particularly popular spot for families with young kids. Here, the kids can enjoy the outdoors and learn about various species of animals, birds […]


Paintball is an intense, action-packed game. Playing paintball is a fun interactive game to play with your friends and family. For many Corporate activities, paintballing is a great team-building exercise as playing with colleagues from work helps to boost morale and working relations. Many people don’t realize but playing paintball has many health benefits and playing it […]

Mangrove Kayak Tour

The Al Zorah Nature Reserve in Ajman allows you to get close and intimate with nature! Feel the serene sounds of nature and be up close with the resident pink flamingos and rare migratory birds flying freely over the mangroves. Boasting over 1 million square meters of natural wetlands, the inland creek, and mangroves are […]

Experience Tree Planting

Join us and experience a fun and informative fully guided tour through the spectacular Al Zorah Nature Reserve by a tree planting experience where you will plant your own mangrove tree within the mangrove forest making your own personal contribution to help fight climate change. Mangrove planting experiences include the following activities A short presentation […]

White Mountain

Mesfot is located 110 kilometers southeast of Ajman, and is famous for its temperate climate and fertile soil suitable for agriculture, as well as its picturesque nature. The region is characterized by its high mountains, such as Mount Dafatah, Mount Lechen and the White Mountain, along with its spacious religions with distinctive landscapes, such as […]